Always, Alan Rickman

This is my tribute to Sir Alan Rickman.
I feel like I had to do this. I want to celebrate the great Alan Rickman, to honor him, and to show my gratitude and respect towards him.

Now, before you start reading this, let us all…


The Death of Alan Rickman

I will not make this long, because ya’ll know this things about him.

The news of his death saddened me, it’s very surprising. I was standing in a train, on my way to University on Friday morning, when I saw this woman searching on google photos of Severus Snape. I heart pounded on the thought that she might be also a potterhead. She then switched to search Alan Rickman on the web, and I thought, she might be a fan of Alan, or there might be news about him. I went out to the station still thinking about it.

I read the news when I was already home, I almost cried. A song suddenly played to my mind, ‘A Sky Full Of Stars’ by coldplay. Honestly, this is so true. A lot of the best actors was taken from this world, if not, very recently. Heaven is very much full of stars now.

The only upside of this news for me is that now, Alan will not endure any more pain. The downside is on us; we lost such a great actor, a great man.

I hope he already did all the things he’d always wanted, because he deserve it so much. He deserved all the best in life. He’s a kind person who does not only thinks for himself, but for the greater good. And this also goes for Snape. He deserved much more than what he got. Than what he settled for.


On Snape

I’ve always loved him. ALWAYS.

Come on, who always thought about Snape when hearing ‘always’? *cries*

Since the first Harry Potter, up to the 6th book, I’ve never held a grudge on him. He always shows every bit of his good side in some events, although he might or we might not be aware of it or we often take it for grantend.


I love it when Snape smiles!

Severus Snape is such a great character, and Alan Rickman gave justice to this role. He even made the character better. He is a hero for me. Harry is very right when he said the Snape is the bravest man he’s ever known. He made me love Slytherin. He made me embrace my Slytherin side. He’s the best proof that being in Slytherin doesn’t mean you have to be full blood and bad.

I cried when I saw the scene where he was being bullied by James and the other Marauders. But he never let that come in his way. He just took it in, and used it to his advantage, he used it as a motivation.

A Hero Lurking Inside

In every man, there is a hero and a monster lurking inside. Sometimes, we needed to be scratched in order to let it out.

In Severus’ case, Lily’s death was an instrument to let the hero inside him finally come out. It was an eye opening moment for him. He was able to finally identify the right from wrong, and which side to fight with.


Why is Severus Snape A Hero

1. He’s brave enough to fool the Dark Lord.

2. He’s brave to protect the son of the love of his life with the man who made fun of him all his life as a Hogwarts’ student.

3. He killed his friend, Dumbledore, for the good of everyone, to protect everyone, even tho he knows he will recieve so much criticism and people will think badly of him for the rest of his life

4. Do you remember the part in Prisoner Of Azkaban, when he was so protective of the trio when Lupin was about to shift to his werewolf form, even though Harry Potter just attacked him.

5. He sent out his patronous to protect Harry Potter.


There are a lot of things about him that is so heroic, those are just the ones that are very powerful.

To sum it all up, HE IS SELFLESS.


I hope he was able to put a stopper to his own death.

My favourite Quotes by Professor Severus Snape



This is my most favourite quote by him.
It’s so powerful and deep.
It has a lot of meaning. It is more than the word itself.

We know that when Severus said it, he means so much more. You can just feel it. It’s so sincere. It says a million different things. It’s just like that. No arguments.


“You have your mother’s eyes”


Finally! He said it! He let it out!

You can see in his face how it’s comforting and relieving and satisfying to finally say something you’ve been keeping to yourself for a long time. And now he finally admitted it, with so much sincerity and love.

It might be that he didn’t want to accept that too, the fact the eyes of the woman he loved can be seen from the son of his enemy.

It would be nice too, if Harry and Snape could be family. Could live like a family. If Severus didn’t die, they might get really close to each other after the war. He can make him a godfather of one of his children. It would be great!

Can you imagine how Severus is as a godfather?


When Harry’s kids would request a pie. LOL

He may still be mean to Harry but be very gentle to his children. He can also take care of his kids sometimes, and fight with Hagrid on who gets to take care of them next.

It would be nice to see Snape happy.

“Turn to page 394!”


Honestly tho, who can forget this?

I can’t even read it without saying it in Snape’s accent. LOL


So now, in memory of Professor Snape, let’s all open our books, and ‘turn to page 394‘, all at once.

Do you ever wonder how Alan Rickman managed to speak without opening his lips fully?


My Favourite Alan Rickman Quotes

He’s a very inspirational man, very intelligent, humble, charming, funny, sensible.

We can learn so much from him, just as we learned a lot from one of the characters he played, Professor Severus Snape.

Here are the most intelligent things he said:


He is so right about this. We all know how Harry Potter changed our lives. How his character/s, changed the way we view life.

All kinds of entertainment, from books to movies, from music to theater, has a way to make a change. It is how the people will take it in.



He was such a man! I can’t say anything else, hands and wands up to him!



Isn’t it amazing how his life turned out even unplanned?



As a theater actress myself, I can say that this is very true. He said it in exactly the right words. “This is very wise”






Most of the times we would want to know our future, we don’t want to be surprised, we want to plan, we want everything to go our way, but it can’t be like that. You can’t just rely on astrology or things like that in real life. This world is created unsure, we might think it’s complicated because we like to complicate things, we secretly want to be challenge. But when challenge comes our way, it’s hard because it’s not what we expect, it’s difficult because we want it to be easy.

When there comes a time that you need to choose, think of the worst that could happen first, so then it would be easy for us to conjure the pain that will come from it.



I love this quote. I will surely do this too.

FYI, this is not a quote by Alan Rickman, because some of you might think that. This is a quote from someone who entered a contest that has Deathly Hallows 2 prizes and she’s stating why she’s want to win. I forgot the article where I read it, but they put there the whole stuff the contestant posted. And that is the last part of it.


Have you read Daniel Radcliffe’s post for the tribute for Alan? He told that if you called Alan, he will surely get back to you within a day or next. That’s amazing given that he’s a very busy man.

That just shows how great and humble he is.


I love this



I want to see it ♡

Honestly, I didn’t thought he’d keep it. That just shows what kind of a man he was.


Can you imagine? LOL




This is what he’ll see.

Himself with Lily and their kids. He will see his very own dream family.

I think Severus secretly wants this. He secretly wants to have a family. And of course, he wants to have it with the love of his wicked life, Lily.

Severus would be a great father. He’s an amazing and brave, brave man. He will teach his kids, potions, like, of course, and how to be morally good. How to make right choices, and how to love truly.


He tells a lot of words of wisdom. He’s very generous in giving it. You can actually quote everything he says because every bit of it makes sense, every bit of it is true and real. He’s not afraid to speak his mind, and he always recognizes people. I remember when Daniel Radcliffe said to his tribute, Alan never misses his plays, he’s always there to support him even though he didn’t asked him too. That’s how he is. A great and amazing friend.

He says a lot of interesting things about life that we fail to see, or that, sometimes, we don’t want to see. We secretly wants to be surprised, all of us. We want to be fooled.

To Mr. Alan Rickman

I would like to express my gratitude, thank you for making such great movies. Thank you for making a great character, Professor Severus Snape, even better. Thank you for making Hans Gruber of Die Hard, my favorite villain, that was an awesome fall, by the way. Thank you for inspiring a lot of people to do their best, do what we love most, to actually LIVE our lives. This is such a short life to live, we shall make the best of it, every second of every minute of every hour of everyday. I hope you did that. Even tho for us, your fans, have seen the best of you, we hope you are in content for the past of almost 70 years of your life, with no regrets, just smiles, laughters, and tons of love.

One of my life goals is to meet you, but now I shall sew you in grave. The thought of you in there saddens me, you don’t fit to be in there. It is so unlikely. It is not beautiful.

Your legacy will remain in this world and will not rot. You will always be celebrated and remembered, not just by us, potterheads, but by the whole world. We honor you, Sir Alan Rickman.

I hope you got all the best in the world because you deserve it, you’re really a very good person, with an awesome purpose in life.

You are a great loss to the world. Such an intelligent man.

My thoughts and condolences are with Sir Alan’s family and friends. May you all have strength through this difficult time.

“The one that loves us never really leaves us. You can always find them, in here…” – Sirius Black

I will never forget, “after all this time?”,

Let us raise our wands for our Professor Severus Snape, inspiration, hero, and friend, the one person who wears the cloak best, Mr. Alan Rickman!



































Emma Watson’s Book List

Harry Potter fan or not, we all know the highly educated, Goodwill Ambassador for Women, Emma Watson, is very much of a book lover.

For all those looking for a book recommendation/s, of course, you would love to know what Ms. Watson would suggest you read!

I compiled all the book recommendations of Emma Watson, from over a few years ago, up to 2016! So you won’t have to go on many different sites that only states a couple on her book list. This is your one stop Emma Watson Book List!

Just yesterday, Emma posted on her twitter account, asking for names she can use for her feminist book club. And just now, she announced the first book that she will launch in her book club, Our Shared Shelf , entitled My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem.


Emma Watson's Goodreads

Now, without further ado, let’s get to what you all came here for, Emma Watson’s Book Recommendations!

• The BFG •


By Roald Dahl, is Emma’s favorite book, as she mentioned in Time Magazine, because it takes her back to her childhood.

“I like books that aren’t just lovely but that have memories in themselves. Just like playing a song, picking up a book again that has memories can take you back to another place or another time.”

– Emma Watson

• Le Petit Prince •
By Antoine de Saint-Exupéry



• Just Kids •
Patti Smith’s memoir



“I want to live like Patti. I want to write like Patti. The book was so honest and brave, I love the way she sees the world. I really felt that life was more beautiful after I read it, and I felt more hopeful.”

– Emma Watson on Vogue in 2011

“I have had Patti Smith’s Just Kids on my bedside forever.”

– Emma Watson in an interview with Savoir Flair in 2012

• The Fault In Our Stars •
Emma stayed up in the wee hours of the morning to read this book by John Green.



• A Thousand Splendid Suns •
By Khaled Hosseini, a book approved by human rights activist Malala Yousafzai



• The Queen Of The Tearling •
Erika Johansen’s debut novel, which the film rights is now owned by Warner Bros., Emma said she’ll be executive producing it and star in the film adaptaion of this book.


“I had kind of said I would never do a franchise again, so I was desperate to hate it. Unfortunately, I didn’t sleep for about a week because I couldn’t put the bloody thing down. It would be fair to say I became obsessed with the role and the book. Now I am executive producing it. Ha!”

– Emma Watson to Wonderland

Twilight •
Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series was a guilty pleasure. We all have guilty pleasures, and that’s Emma’s when it comes to books.


“This is so sad, but I literally felt depressed when I finished reading them because I thought, ‘Oh my God, what am I going to do now?'”

– Emma Watson

• The Fountainhead •
By Ayn Rand. Emma Watson on MarieClaire:


“I know, it’s a cult. I’m not going to take it too far, but I did enjoy it.”

– Emma Watson

• Love Letter’s to the Dead •
Ava Dellaira’s debut novel follows a story of a teengirl writing to dead celebrities.



• The Opposite of Loneliness •
By Marina Keegan



• The Remains of the Day •
By Kazuo Ishiguro


“When I was growing up, my family, particularly my father, were very stoic. Part of me is very resentful of this British mentality that it’s not good to express feelings of any kind – that it’s not proper or brave.

– Emma Watson on Harper’s Bazaar UK, 2011

By Cheryl Strayed


• Tiny Beautiful Things •
By Cheryl Strayed


• Wild •
By Cheryl Strayed


“It’s been less than 3 weeks and I have devoured Torch, Tiny Beautiful Things and Wild. Thank you @RWitherspoon @CherylStrayed x”

– Emma Watson (@EmWatson) January 3, 2015

• Catch-22 •
By Joseph Heller


“I had a list of 10 books I was going to read this summer and I’ve read just one, Tracey Emin’s Catch-22”

– Emma Watson on Women’s Weekly

That’s the 15 book recommendations by our favorite witch, Hermione Granger! Oh, I mean.. Emma Watson! (I got confused because they’re both bookworms! Lol)

It’s not in order on which she loves most.

Emma Watson’s favorite book is arguably either The BFG, Le Petit Prince, and Just Kids.

Seeing her interview in Marie Claire magazine, she said her favourite book is Just Kids by


Arguably, what she stated in Time magazine, is that her favorite books are The BFG by Roald Dahl and Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Expuréry.


For the present time, I believe her interview in Time magazine was more latest than the one she did in Marie Claire. So The BFG and Le Petit Prince must be her present favorites. (Or it might be that she must’ve forgotten Just Kids because, again, maybe, she didn’t read it very recently.) But anyway, it’s not much important, or is it? You decide!

Continue reading

Harry Potter Amino Review + What Got Me into Blogging

I got into this app, called 9 3/4 Amino (Harry Potter amino), last month. It’s been 35 days since I registered, I know because you can see it there! Here:


What brought me to 9 3/4 Amino? Well I was browsing Instagram and saw a Harry Potter fan account that has a caption something like “Add me in 9 3/4 Amino”. Yeah, something like that…

When I saw the ‘9 3/4’, I immediately thought about Harry Potter! Why? All Potterheads know why!

So I downloaded it, because I was looking for a good/great Harry Potter app.


It’s named 9 3/4 Amino but when you download it, it will be Harry Potter.

It looks like this when you open it:



So I signed up… only to see that it is some kind of a blogging app, where you write ANY Harry Potter related stuff. I initially thought it’s boring.

UNTIL, I saw this magazine at Amino that’s looking for a writer and a graphic/fan artist.

I knew I’m not right one for the job. Because of that, I thought ‘why don’t I look for an RP (Roleplay) job here? So, I searched in some newspapers etc. But it’s just so hard!

Anyway, there’s a newspaper, magazine, schools, departments etc. in Harry Potter amino… It’s not like a REAL paper, you might get it wrong!


Because of my said event, I thought of making a newspaper that’s all about job ads so the witches, wizards, and muggle-borns can easily find a job or a school or even a quidditch team!


I named it after The Daily Prophet, switched the Prophet with Hunter since it is for ‘job hunters’.

This is other things you can do at any Amino app:


When many responded to my QA and Blog, I got motivated!

Then I after that, I made a Durmstrang Institute at Harry Potter Amino since there’s already a Hogwarts and Beauxbatons school.


That, my friends, is what got me into blogging! I’ve met some amazing people and friends from different parts of the world! Which is, of course, really cool!

One of the people I met was Kath, she writes such great blogs! She inspired me most to starting my wordpress blog, along with purplependulum who also never fails to write amazing blogs! So if you ever made a Harry Potter Amino account, be sure to follow them! They are also very generous to giving advice when it comes to blogging and everything!

Aaand that’s it! 9 3/4 Amino turned out to be the best Harry Potter app out there, for all the dedicated Potterheads who wish to share and express their love for all things Harry Potter and to meet other Potterheads from all over the world!

This app is available for IPhone and Android

Do you want me to make another review of another Amino app? Next week I will make a review of LOTR (Lord of the Rings) Amino!

Comment here what you wish for me to review! Be it a TV show, a movie, a radio show, a personality, an app, and of course a book!


No one encouraged me into writing, but now, I’m going to do it because this is what satisfies me. Because I enjoy this! And you know what, I’ve decided that I’m going to write because it makes me happy.


That’s all!
See you next week, and have a blessed week, everyone! Always!

Your inspiration,

Fleur Franciscus
